PCHAIN Monthly Report—January 2021

2 min readFeb 1, 2021

Please find below the key highlights of the last four weeks.

Development Progress

1. Designed and developed a new system caching mechanism. This new system caching mechanism will reduce the impact of global network instability on POS systems (prone to bad blocks), and better balance the system storage space, time complexity, and network synchronization to recover the Testnet environment.

2. Testing the new caching mechanism and fixing problems related to bad blocks in the previous system. At present, the main chain test has synced to 13,000,000 blocks, and the child chain test has synced to 20,000,000 blocks;

3. Recovered the Testnet environment.

4. Developed PIwallet App Staking section, including application for candidate nodes, node voting, etc.

5. Debug the interface of the PIwallet App Staking functions.

6. Other PCHAIN mainnet operations and maintenance.


1. On January 15th, PCHAIN completed its 6th Burn of 50m PI. 25m PI from the Team and Foundation wallets were burned. The total PI supply is now 1.71bn PI. Kindly reminder that PCHAIN committed to burn up to 500m PI of its Total Supply from the Team and Foundation wallet as part of PCHAIN 2.0 expansion plan, 50m PI per month.

Transaction hash 1: https://piscan.pchain.org/?key=0x01acdf65be58a251772ae465739b9dd1be2cc418fde7e8d76db08f0c85f29944&chain=0

Transaction hash 2: https://piscan.pchain.org/?key=0xc540e65fe704d47636977367fa95dfae48c8f5e5fc6cf16119d751dd383399a9&chain=0

2. PCHAIN v1.3.07 to be later rescheduled as 7,000,000 and 15,000,000 blocks remain to be tested on the main and child chains. This upgrade via the new system caching mechanism will fix problems related to bad blocks in the blocks of the previous system. Once released, it will avoid 99% of the previous bad block scenarios. Check more.

3. PCHAIN has updated the Github for V1.3.07, which changed 10 files with 193 additions and 73 deletions. Check more.

4. Quotes from PCHAIN founder Dr. Jeff Cao on Twitter:

De-Centralized is not determined by the number of nodes. It depends on whether there is a center or not. If the number of coordinators is limited, no matter how many other nodes there is, the system is still centralized. If these limited coordinators were attacked, the network would be down. — — 2021.1.27

Chinese CBDC (named DCEP)is ahead of the CBDC of other country. And it is under intensive testing. — — 2021.1.30

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