Plian Monthly Report — April 2021

2 min readApr 30, 2021

Please find below the key highlights of the last four weeks.

Development Progress

1. Develop the new cross-chain communication mechanism and new transaction signature solution.

2. Test the above functions and EVM update for Plian mainnet upgrade scheduled on May 10th.

3. Develop full native compatibility with all Ethereum (EVM) tools such as Metamask, truffle, waffle, etc.

4. Design and develop a ChainID format compatible with Ethereum.

5. VRF research and design.

6. Launch the PIwallet IOS testfilght version.

7. Fix the issue of cross-chain transaction.

8. Other Plian mainnet operation and maintenance.

Plian News

1. On April.15th, Plian completed its 9th Burn of 50m PI (~$2.5m). 25m PI from the Team and Foundation wallets. The total supply now updated to 1,561,546,868 PI.

Tx hash1:

Tx hash2:

2. Since this burn plan was launched in August 2020, 450m PI from Plian Team and Foundation wallets have been burned, roughly $20m+ as of today.

The remaining 50m PI will be used to grow Plian main exchange listing, liquidity and ecosystem.

3. Plian mainnet will upgrade on May 10th, which will update EVM and launch the new cross-chain communication mechanism and new transaction signature solution.

4. Plian new cross-chain communication mechanism, using direct API calls to save subchain information (tx3/epoch) on main chain instead of sockets between chains, should greatly improve the communication stability across PI multi chain network, fix the few remaining glitches and catapult Plian even more at the forefront of this crucial piece of blockchain technology.

5. The new transaction signature solution will make PI mainnet compatible with any EVM develop tool like MetaMask, Truffle, Waffle, Remix, Web3j, etc.

6. Ahead of Plian mainnet upgrade scheduled on May 10th, and in preparation for our DeFi & NFT rollout please find below a step by step tutorial detailing how to use MetaMask and Remix to deploy an ERC-20 token on PI mainnet.

7. Plian announced the community-driven project Pizzap will be positioned as the NFT + DeFi protocol. It will be featured by blind box, random numbers, ChainX (Oracle) and crosschain. It will also issue a stable coin and governance token named PUSD.

8. On April 21st, Dr. Jeff Cao was invited to attend “2021 The First Working Meeting of Academic Committee of Blockchain Research Institute of China Information Corporation” in Beijing. And he tweeted that Plian will contribute and collaborate with China Information Chain initialized by China National Information Center in industry applications.

Learn more

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.




Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralisation or security to public and enterprise DeFi.