Plian Monthly Report — April 2023

3 min readMay 1, 2023


Please check below the key highlights of the last 5 weeks.

Development Progress


  1. Technical Development
  • Tested and published Piwallet web
  • Tested the new Plian explorer
  • Research on optimism bridge of plian
  • Optimized the cross chain between mainnet and childnet
  • Other Plian mainnet operation & maintenance

2. PlianDAO

  • Discussed the details of launch
  • Confirmed the launch planning timetable
  • Decentralized Collaboration System
  • Confirmed the first edition of UI&UX
  • Discussed the direction of future optimization


  1. Paiswap
  • Upgraded and refactored Core code
  • Fixed known bugs
  • Confirmed the direction of future optimization

2. Pizzap Website

  • Completed Public Beta on Plian Network
  • Gathered feedback of Public Beta
  • Confirmed the plan of VoiceNFT on Bitcoin
  • Developed Backend/Prototype of VoiceNFT on Bitcoin

Plian News

1st Halving of Plian Officially Starts

The first HALVING of Plian begins on April 4th, after halving:

  1. the reward for mining will be reduced by half
  2. the number of $PI generated in each block will be reduced by half

Recap of PlianDAO 2023 Q1

The Recap of Plian 2023 Q1 has been summarized and classified as:

  1. Mainnet Upgrade
  2. Plian Tools
  3. PlianDAO
  4. Plian Ecosystem

with “ChatGPT in Community Chat” and “VoiceNFT on BTC” new added.

The 1st Version of PiWallet Web

The first PiWallet Web has been released, you can search and experience it at

Roadmap of PlianDAO 2023 Q2

The ROADMAP of PlianDAO 2023 Q2 has been published recently, including:

  1. PiScan
  2. BBC 2.0
  3. BTC VoiceNFT
  4. PlianDAO Committee

Plian Ecosystem Project

Closing of Pizzap Public Beta

PizzapDAO announced the ending of the NFT Marketplace Public Beta on April 22, the data of the event shows that:

132 members has submitted optimization suggestions for Pizzap

12 members has submitted operational plans and marketing plans

Play for Free in Wasteland

Some playing method on Wasteland has been released, including:

  1. SURVIVE——Hunt, collect and buy workplaces to make different foods to survive
  2. EXPLORE——Send your villagers out, find the unknown chests and upgrade your villagers
  3. EARN——Contribute your collected NFTs to earn $WASTE for a lifetime.

Learn More

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.




Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralisation or security to public and enterprise DeFi.