Plian Monthly Report — December 2023

2 min readDec 31, 2023


Please check below the key highlights of the last 5 weeks.

Development Progress

1. Plian Technical Development

  • Tested and published Plian light node
  • Developed the tool of export PI balance from node
  • Fixed Piscan bugs
  • Optimized testnet node
  • Optimized node status monitoring
  • Other Plian mainnet operation & maintenance

2. Pizzap Ecosystem Development

  • NiftyIN joined in Pizzap creating function
  • Full Support for Platon chain
  • Developed NFT trade module on Optimism chain
  • Optimized Pizzap AIGC (TTS, TTI)
  • Fixed the known bugs

Plian News

Marketing Video of Plian

A marketing video created by a PlianDAO has been selected to publish last month, which mentioned the structure of PlianDAO

Plian Epoch 57

Plian has entered Epoch 57. PlianDAO has noted the community node members to check the progress and the reward in time.

Plian Ecosystem Project

Strategic Partnership between Pizzap & NiftyIN

AIArt platform Pizzap and Smart platform NiftyIN has reached strategic cooperation in December 2023. NiftyIN is a smart aggregation platform focusing on GameFi and NFT.

Christmas Eve Apple Pie Creative Campaign

The AIGC campaign jointly organized by NiftyIN & Pizzap has been themed Christmas Eve Apple Pie. Creators whose works rank in the top 3 of the voting will receive respectively: 50,000 $LAT, 30,000 $LAT, 20,000 $LAT

Pizzap Creative Campaign for Christmas

The 【Pizzap AIArtwork Contest for Christmas】co-powered by Plian & Pizzap started on December 11th. Creators whose works rank in the top 3 of the voting will receive respectively: $300, $200, $100.

Learn More

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.




Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralisation or security to public and enterprise DeFi.