Plian Monthly Report — June 2023

2 min readJul 1, 2023


Please check below the key highlights of the last 5 weeks.

Development Progress


  1. Technical Development
  • Public test on new Plian explorer
  • Fixed the bugs of new Plian explorer
  • Research on Twitter plugin of Plian wallet
  • Developed the demo of Plian wallet plugin on Twitter
  • Other Plian mainnet operation & maintenance

2. PlianDAO

  • Confrimed the details of the first DAO committee selection
  • Confirmed the launching details


  1. Paiswap

Confirmed the direction of future optimization

2. Pizzap

  • Discussed the application of AIGC in Pizzap
  • Developed AI (text to sound, TTS, text to image) in Pizzap
  • Developed Sprint Version of Pizzap
  • Developed Backend/Prototype of VoiceNFT on Bitcoin
  • Confirmed the direction of future optimization

Plian News

1st Version of Piscan

We have launched Piscan V1, you can get many onchain experiences here like:

  1. View the Latest Blocks
  2. Search PI Market Cap On Plian
  3. View the Latest Transactions 4
  4. View the Latest Epoch

Recap of Plian Q2

In the Recap of Plian Q2,we have concluded the accomplishment of:

  1. V1 of Pi Wallet Web
  2. Plian 1st Halving
  3. V1 of Piscan
  4. Public Beta of Pizzap
  5. Pizzap Marketplace

Plian Ecosystem Project

Study of AIGC Creating

PizzapDAO announced the direction of AI creating, which means they are considering listing more AI works on the marketplace and supporting trading.

New Paper on VoiceNFT Released by PizzapDAO

We can read an article titled [Free Creating Environment and Your Online ID] published by PizzapDAO this week, the core points included:

  1. Mature DAO and Early DAO
  2. Voice Identity & Onchain Behavior
  3. Analysis of NFT Market

Learn More

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.




Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralisation or security to public and enterprise DeFi.