Plian Monthly Report — March 2024

2 min readApr 1, 2024


Please check below the key highlights of the last 4 weeks.

Development Progress

1. Plian Technical Development

  • Research of BRC20 for Plian
  • Fixed Piscan bugs
  • Monitored Plian light node
  • Optimized node status monitoring
  • Other Plian mainnet operation & maintenance

2. Pizzap Ecosystem Development

  • Developed & Tested Minting ERC404 Module
  • Developed & Tested Minting NFTs using ERC20 fees
  • Developed & Tested Bitcoin network Support
  • Developed NFT trade module on Optimism chain
  • Discussed product future plans
  • Fixed the known bugs

Plian News

Marketing Video of Plian

Last month, a marketing video created by a member of PlianDAO was chosen for publication. This video skillfully merges PlianDAO’s ethos with a new vision for Web3.

Plian Epoch 59

Plian has commenced Epoch 59. PlianDAO has reminded the community nodes to timely monitor their progress and verify their rewards.

Plian Ecosystem Project

My Web3 Brunch Creative Campaign

The AIGC campaign, hosted by Pizzap, is themed “My Web3 Brunch.” Creators whose submissions rank in the top three of the voting process will receive rewards as follows: 300 $U for first place, 200 $U for second place, and 100 $U for third place.

【MEME ART Inspired by AI】Released by PizzapDAO

A new paper discussing the intersection of AI-generated art (AIART) and Web3 memes has been published by PizzaDAO. This paper explores the connections between memes and Web3 assets, offering deeper insights into the interpretations of memes created by artificial intelligence for some readers.

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Learn More

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.




Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralisation or security to public and enterprise DeFi.