Plian Monthly Report — May 2023

3 min readMay 31, 2023


Please check below the key highlights of the last 4 weeks.

Development Progress


  1. Technical Development
  • Tested new Plian explorer
  • Fixed the bugs of Piwallet web suggest price
  • Optimized the node status monitoring
  • Fixed the bugs of cross chain between mainnet and childnet
  • Other Plian mainnet operation & maintenance

2. PlianDAO

  • Discussed the details of the selection of the first DAO committee
  • Confirmed the launching details
  • Confirmed the timetable of launching


  1. Paiswap
  • Upgraded and refactored the codes
  • Confirmed the direction of future optimization

2. Pizzap Website

  • Discussed the application of AIGC in Pizzap
  • Developed the Backend/Prototype of VoiceNFT on Bitcoin
  • Confirmed the direction of future optimization

Plian News

Updating of Official Website

We have updated the new goals of Plian on our website at, you can learn the businesse adjustment including:

  1. DeFi
  2. Piscan
  3. NFT platform
  4. DAO Committee

Test of Piscan

Piscan was tested finally by the core developers of Plian last week, which will be launched officially soon.

Plian Ecosystem Project

Closing of 7*24 Pizzap Official Q & A Group

PizzapDAO announced the closing of the 7 * 24 Q & A group for the reason that “given the in-depth communication in the past year, a high consensus has been reached in the community”.

New Paper on VoiceNFT Released by PizzapDAO

We can read this article titled [Thoroughly Liberating CC0, Remarkably Powerful MEME] recently, which has expressed these insights:

  1. CC0 is actually an abbreviation for “Creative Commons Zero,” which signifies “free knowledge sharing.”
  2. PizzapDAO primarily adopts a distributed collaboration model, emphasizing the efficient utilization of resources rather than serving the interests of a few individuals.
  3. The aforementioned CC0 NFTs are based on widely recognized intellectual property (IP) to create a matrix of works, presenting various forms such as emojis, avatars, videos, etc.

You can learn more at .

Learn More

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.




Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralisation or security to public and enterprise DeFi.